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What is SEO and How Does it Work?



SEO Explained

So what is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s sometimes referred to as organic or natural search because traffic arrives organically to a website from search engines based on searched keywords.

The Basics of SEO

SEO explained in simple terms is a way to increase organic traffic to a website. People working in SEO, known as SEOs, work closely with content marketers to create relevant, high-intent content that attracts targeted audiences who visit websites based on specific keywords. SEO and content marketing are closely linked with a structure that resembles a library. All content (or books) needs to be structured and organized to allow search engines to ‘read’ and easily find information that is appropriate to what people are searching for.

In other words, library shelves are very similar to search engine results pages (or SERPs) in that people seek out and find the books they are looking for by typing in the name or topic. They can also see recommendations (for example, on social media) and other backlinks that lead to the topics they’re looking for on your website.