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What are Backlinks?



In this video, Gerald will cover the topic of SEO backlinks. For Google to deem your content as quality content, it needs to have backlinks, or in other words, links from other websites that link to your content that show it is reliable and accurate.

What are Backlinks?

Backlinks include a range of criteria, including domain authority, referral research, and other specialized tools. 

There are three types of links:

  • Internal links: link different pages on the same website together. For example, a blog post related to an actual product page.
  • Outgoing links: link your website to an external website. This is very similar to an endorsement.
  • Incoming links or backlinks: incoming links to your websites. For example, if you have a product page that an information website points to when mentioning your product, that would be a backlink.

Pro Tips for Effective Backlinking:

#1 - Review your link structure to create a link network. You can consider making topic-based content hubs to establish keyword authority.

#2 - Research your industry and competitors to understand where links are coming from and going. Which content brings them the most backlinks?